St Patrick's College Strathfield

Farewelling the Class of 2024


On Wednesday 25 September, we celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2024. During the Graduation Assembly, our departing students received their Graduation Certificates and Academic and Special Awards were presented to honour their significant achievements. Final speeches were delivered by College Principal Dr Lavorato, Year 12 Coordinator Mr Herro and College Captain Michael Sakr.

At the end of the Assembly, each member of the Class of 2024 walked through a guard of honour formed by fellow students and paused for a group photo in the Powell Pavilion, the site where their journey began eight years ago. They then made their way through the Via Sacra for one last time.

The most poignant event of the day was the Graduation Mass held in the early evening. Many were moved as they witnessed the boys process into the Chapel, proudly wearing their graduation sashes. The significance of this final Mass together was palpable as the boys passionately sang hymns that meant so much to them. After Mass, they received their Old Boys ties and gathered around the statue of Edmund Rice before enthusiastically belting out the College War Cry.

The day concluded with a memorable Graduation Dinner at Rosehill Gardens. During the event, we recognised parents who have long been associated with the College through their sons’ education. The evening featured a nostalgic journey through the boys’ eight-year adventure at SPC, highlighted by a beautiful pictorial. The festivities included a heartfelt mother-son dance, followed by some lively moves that brought the dancefloor to life!

It was a wonderful and well-deserved send-off for the Class of 2024, and we wish them every blessing as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.