St Patrick's College Strathfield

Medical and Health

College Nurse

There is a full-time College Nurse available to provide medical assistance to your son in case of illness or injury at the College. If a student becomes ill or is injured at school, they can report or present themselves to Student Services where the College Nurse will assess and manage their medical needs. Based on the assessment, the College Nurse will determine whether your son can return to class, needs to be picked up from school, or requires further medical attention, such as calling an ambulance.


College Counsellors

The College Counselling service is dedicated to the care and wellbeing of students. Staffed by fully qualified and experienced counsellors, this service is accessible to all students, regardless of age or Year group. There are three College counsellors on staff, one of whom is specifically focused on the wellbeing of our Junior School students. Our counsellors work collaboratively with our Wellbeing Staff, classroom teachers, and families. They provide assessment, counselling therapies, and case management. Our counsellors may suggest referral to external specialist services, if needed.

Students are encouraged to contact the counsellors by email or by visiting Student Services. Teachers may also refer students to the counselling services, and parents are welcome to contact the counsellors directly.


Medical Conditions

Parents must inform the College in writing if their son has any medical conditions. This notification should include all relevant supporting medical documents, such as a letter from a specialist or GP. The medical condition and supporting documents will be recorded in the student’s confidential medical file, accessible only to relevant staff.

Students diagnosed with asthma or anaphylaxis must provide an up-to-date copy of their action plan, which will be stored with the College Nurse in Student Services and recorded in the student’s medical file. Parents and their son are responsible for updating the Asthma or Anaphylaxis Action Plan annually and providing it to Student Services.

If your son has any medical, physical, social, or emotional needs that the College should be aware of, please complete and return the Student Medical and Health Care Needs Form.

Parents can also update medical information through the TASS Parent Lounge, especially at the start of each academic year or if there are changes to their son’s medical information or condition.



All medication should be provided to Student Services with a letter from the prescribing doctor outlining the condition, medication details, dosage, and a copy of the prescription. The medication should be in its original packaging with a clear dispensing label. Students cannot self-administer prescription medications, except for asthma medication (e.g., puffers or relievers) and EpiPens. Other medications will be recorded in a Medication Register Schedule and securely stored in Student Services, where they will be dispensed under supervision. Students who require daily prescribed medication must visit Student Services to take their medication.


Medical Certificates

Students absent from compulsory College events (e.g. Opening Mass, Founder’s Day, Sports Carnivals, Speech Night) without prior Approved Leave must provide a medical certificate to account for their absence. A medical certificate is necessary when a student is absent for two or more consecutive days. Unless Approved Leave has been granted, students who are absent on the first or last day of a school term must provide a medical certificate upon their return to school. In the case of missing a Saturday sport fixture, a medical certificate explaining the absence should be presented to the Director of Middle School, Year Coordinator, or Head of Secondary Sport upon return.

If your son has any medical, physical, social or emotional needs that the College should be aware of please complete and return the Student Medical and Health Care Needs Form.