St Patrick's College Strathfield

Mobile Devices


The College recognises that most students possess mobile devices (e.g. Smartphones – iPhone/Android,
iPads/ Tablets, Apple or Android Watches). As a general rule, the College does not consider mobile
devices to be a substitute for a designated learning device such as a desktop computer or laptop.
Students may carry a mobile device for personal safety reasons, however the right of a student to have
access to a mobile device at College or during College activities or excursions, must be balanced with
the responsibility to use it appropriately. It is the position of the College to strongly discourage students
from bringing mobile devices to school or on excursions, unless deemed absolutely necessary for
student safety. Some students travel considerable distances to and from the College and on public
transport and it is important for students to be able to use a mobile device in case of emergency.
All students should be aware that this policy must be read and followed in conjunction with the
College’s IT and social media policies. Incidents of misuse of mobile devices will be retained on the
student’s file. Breaches of this policy may lead to the confiscation of the device, disciplinary action
and may jeopardise a student’s position at the College.

It is our policy that:

  •  Students may only bring a mobile device to the College or to a College activity or excursion with
    the full knowledge and authority of their parents.
  • Mobile devices are brought to College at the owner’s risk. No liability will be accepted by the
    College in the event of loss, theft or damage of the device.
  •  Students may only use their devices when instructed to contact their parent/carer regarding
    variations to scheduled events or in rare circumstances under direct teacher supervision for a
    specific learning activity, or purpose.
  • Mobile devices may not be used during the course of a normal timetabled school day, including
    upon arrival, at Recess and at Lunch times to make or receive calls or SMS, to record video
    or audio, take photographs, listen to music, play games, use social media apps or access the
    internet. This includes during co-curricular training, games and performances. Mobile devices
    must never be brought into examinations or class assessments (even if they are turned off or
    switched to silent mode).
  • Mobile devices must be secured in a student’s locker or in their College backpack. They should
    be switched off or set to flight mode and kept out of sight to minimise distractions.
  • Mobile devices must not be taken on excursions or other College activities, unless approval is
    given by the College. This authorisation may be for specific purposes, for specific times, or for
    certain activities.
  • Students must not use mobile devices inappropriately, this includes ‘hotspotting’ devices to
    non-College data sources or bypassing the College network.
  • Mobile devices brought to the College must not contain inappropriate, offensive or illegal content.
    The College retains the right to search students possessions, including mobile devices, under
    certain circumstances. This may occur if it is reasonably suspected that the student device contains
    inappropriate, offensive or illegal material. The College will also contact police if it is reasonably
    suspected that the law has been broken.
  • Students should never photograph or record any person without their express permission,
    including teaching staff. Mobile device cameras are not to be used within the College grounds
    and in particular, where it would be considered inappropriate such as in change rooms or toilets.
  • If a student is ill, injured or has concerns for their wellbeing, they should report to their Year
    Coordinator or the College Nurse who will evaluate the situation and contact parents/carers by
    the College telephone as appropriate. Students should not independently contact parents/carers
    and all parent/carer initiated contact must come through College reception.


Confiscated Devices

  1. Confiscated devices will be held securely in the College Safe in the Finance Office during the
    day. The teacher will issue an infringement slip in the student’s diary and record it on TASS. A
    parent/carer will be notified the device has been confiscated. The device can be retrieved at the
    end of the day by the student signing a register indicating the device has been returned.
  2. On the second occasion, the above procedures will apply, in addition to the student being issued
    with a College Detention by the Year Coordinator.
  3. On the third or subsequent occasion, the above procedures will apply however, the Detention
    will be a Community Service Detention. In addition, parents/carers will be required to, at their
    earliest convenience, collect the device after the school day, sign the register to indicate the
    device has been returned and meet with the student’s Year Coordinator.


Confiscated Device Flowchart

1st Occasion:
Item is confiscated by teacher, Student issued Infringement Slip; recorded in Diary and on TASS
Placed in College Safe
Parent/Carer and Year Coordinator notified by Enrolment Officer
Item returned to the student at the end of the day; student signs register indicating return

2nd Occasion:
Item is confiscated by teacher, recorded in Diary and on TASS, automatic notification to Year
Placed in College Safe
Parent/Carer and Year Coordinator notified by Enrolment Officer
Item returned to the student at the end of the day; student signs register indicating return
Student issued College Detention by Year Coordinator; recorded on TASS
Student completes College Detention

3rd or More Occasion:
Item is confiscated by teacher, recorded in Diary and on TASS, automatic notification to Year
Placed in College Safe
Parent/Carer notified that phone can be collected at their earliest convenience at the
conclusion of the school day, after meeting with student’s Year Coordinator
Student issued College Community Service Detention; recorded on TASS
Item returned to the parent after meeting with the Year Coordinator; signs register indicating retun