St Patrick's College Strathfield



The Parents’ & Friends’ Executive extends a warm welcome to the St Patrick’s College community. Our aim, as the St Patrick’s College Parents’ and Friends’ Association (P&F), is to provide support and assistance to the College community. You can access all information related to the P&F through the TASS Parent Lounge and the Especean, the College newsletter. This information includes invitations to parent forums, details about volunteer opportunities and social events.

The College’s P&F social events provide excellent opportunities to connect with other parents and members of the community, and you can find the dates of these events in the College Calendar.

St Patrick’s College takes immense pride in our strong community and hopes that each parent can contribute in some way to nurture our sense of belonging and inclusivity. There are numerous avenues through which parents can offer their time to help build our community, and everyone is welcome to join and make a valuable contribution. Regardless of its scale, any form of assistance is always greatly appreciated, and it plays a crucial role in strengthening our community bonds.


Volunteer Opportunities

St Patrick’s College is an Edmund Rice School, and we are proud of the tradition of parents who volunteer to serve and support those in need and the College’s faith community.

There are many ways that parents can volunteer their time to assist in building our community. The three main ways parents are able to volunteer are as follows:

Night Patrol Food Roster

As an Edmund Rice School the College has a strong commitment to social justice, to the care of the poor, the underprivileged and the marginalised through community outreach. One way you can support this community outreach is by supplying food for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol van. Parents are asked to supply one or two loaves of bread and/or fruit plus muesli bars or biscuits or juice poppers or similar for the van from which food is distributed to Sydney’s homeless. Parents are allocated days to deliver the food to the back porch of Waterford House by 4.00 PM on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday approximately six times per year. Parents are not required to help on the van – only to provide the food. Your name will be added to the roster starting in January and will stay on the roster each year unless you advise that you can no longer assist. All participants will be emailed a roster and instructions.


Each Thursday, there is a group of dedicated parents who come to clean the Chapel at the College. If you are able to join this willing band, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Like any commitment, it is important to see through the rostered time to ensure that no other person is left with the burden. You would be needed from 8:30 AM till 10:30 AM (open to some adjustment earlier in the day if required) ordinarily one Thursday per month. Please give careful consideration to helping clean the Chapel one morning a month. It really is essentially a service for your sons, and one that is greatly appreciated by all, but ultimately it is about showing a love of God.
Please note: In order to volunteer for Chapel cleaning, all volunteers are required to complete a volunteer agreement form, supply a valid WWCC number and submit 100 points of Identification before commencing. All information will be supplied to volunteers prior to commencement. 


Saturday P&F BBQ/Canteen Facilities Roster

This is an essential component of being part of the St Patrick’s community – one that shows us in good light to visiting schools and one that helps build the sense of community we have been well known for. We can only do this effectively with many hands. A great way to meet other families within the College community, especially the families that your child attends school with. One hour of your time is required on BBQ Supporter’s Day (not every BBQ). You can volunteer the hour before your son plays his game and whilst he is warming up, allowing you to watch the game after your shift is over. You can allocate yourself to any of the following duties: Serving customers, cutting bread, setting up at 7.00 AM, BBQ cooking, taking orders, making orders, cleaning at the end of the day. 

As well as the above structured ways to support our mission, there are numerous other times we need parent volunteers. We encourage all parents, where possible, to volunteer in one way or another, modelling for their sons in the process, and in keeping with the spirit of service for all students and staff. Information regarding volunteer opportunities is communicated via the Especean and/or email.